Nessuna traduzione esatta trovata per حل سلمي

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Traduci inglese arabo حل سلمي

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  • - A peaceful resolution?
    حلّ سلمي؟
  • Security comes only with justice, peace and a peaceful settlement.
    ونحن مع الحل السلمي العادل.
  • Then perhaps there is a peaceful resolution
    ربما اذاً هناك حل سلمى
  • Send out the others, and we can come to a peaceful resolution.
    دع الاخرين يخرجون وسنجد حل سلمي
  • A peaceful solution to this crisis is possible.
    إن الحل السلمي لهذه الأزمة ممكن.
  • Has it not cooperated with them positively, while Israel rejects any form of inspection of its nuclear facilities?
    إننا مع الحل السلمي لموضوع العراق.
  • Negotiations on a peaceful solution are ongoing.
    ولا تزال المفاوضات بشأن حل سلمي جارية.
  • We want the United Nations process to work, but in order for it to do so, words must be fully backed by concrete action.
    ونحن نرغب في حل سلمي في العراق.
  • I believe in the peaceful resolution of all conflicts.
    إنني أؤمن بالحل السلمي لجميع الصراعات.
  • Steps have been taken towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
    فقد اتخذت الخطوات نحو حل سلمي للنزاع.